Exploring the Music Community’s Caregiver Needs

We want to hear from you!

Women in Music Canada (WIM) and Music Publishers Canada (MPC) are undertaking a needs assessment to explore and identify the specific requirements of the music community related to the demands of caregiving. Your response to this survey will help us get a better understanding of what new supports or programs would benefit caregivers so that you can succeed in your music careers and as a caregiver.

This survey is meant to be answered by those who currently have caregiver responsibilities and work in the music sector in Canada as well as those who have exited their music careers due to caregiving demands. Please also forward this survey to any friends and colleagues you might know who match these criteria.

We define ‘caregivers’ as individuals who care for children, aging adults or those in need of personal or primary care.

Your answers will be completely anonymous; your name will never be associated with your opinions and perspectives. We will share the results of this survey with all of you in the music community and look forward to sparking new conversations, new partnerships, and action across the sector.

Please complete by April 14, 2025!